Sunday, August 27, 2006

Debt management programs

If you are suffering under a mounting wall of terrible debt, debt management programs might just be the lifeline that you need to pull you back to the shores of financial solvency. Most debt management programs are only for very large debt – typically $15,000 or more. I thought I was in debt in college and started looking into debt management programs, but with only about $3,000 dollars worth of debt, I wasn't even in close to the kind of trouble that I could have been in, and there was nothing that I could do but to slowly pay off all of my considerable expenses.

The next time I started seriously looking at debt management programs was much more serious. My wife had been very ill with cancer for close to a year, and had substandard health care which could barely begin to cover the terrible expenses. All of the chemotherapy and consultations with specialists had left us an absurd $25,000 in debt, and with my moderate income and her current unemployment, it would have taken us years to pay that all off, even without the interest. When I realized how deep our financial woes went, I began frantically searching through debt management programs, trying to figure out what services were available which could help us get back on our feet again.

I realized that, no matter how helpful the debt management program, it would probably be years until we could be truly financially solvent. We did our best to minimize household expenses, and I began working more. As her health improved, my wife also went back to work, which greatly improved out situation. Even though, the debt consolidation was a lifesaver.

The way that debt management programs work, is that they pay off your debt themselves. You then pay them back, with less interest than you were paying to your debtors. This way, they make money on the interest, while you are able to pay off your own debt at a more reasonable and manageable rate. The pitfall that you have to look for is that there are many crooked debt management programs out there which are actually nothing but scams. They take advantage of vulnerable people, take some of their money as a down payment, and then disappear, having never taken care of your debt, and leaving you in more trouble than ever before. But for me and my wife, the debt management programs we found were a life saver.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.


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