Sunday, August 27, 2006

Debt Consolidation: What to look for

You have decided to get a debt consolidation loan to get control of your monthly budget. This may not solve all your money problems, but with discipline and a clear plan, it's a great start. You have even decided, with knowledgeable help, which type of debt consolidation loan that you need. Now you need to find someone to put together the loan for you. Where should you start? What do you look for? Stop panicking. Take a deep breath. This is just another loan. You can do this.

Debt Consolidation by Refinance

If you have decided on refinancing your mortgage as your method of debt consolidation, contact your current mortgage lender. Often, but not always, they can get you the best rates in the shortest period of time. Also, by staying with the same company you aren't charged as many fees. If you don't like them, or they tell you no, you have two options: go find another lender yourself or find a mortgage broker. Which method you choose depends on many factors that are covered under "home mortgages". This method can take two months, so you want to contact any creditors that are overdo and let them know what is happening. If they start harassing you, often your closing company can contact them for you.

Debt Consolidation by Home Equity Loan

The same advice applies to home equity debt consolidation loans. Sometimes this type of loan comes as a line of credit. If it does, be sure that it is hard to draw on. You don't want someone stealing your identity then maxing out your line of credit against your house. Most identity theft is close to home, so be very careful.

Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan

If you decide on an unsecured debt consolidation loan, you have to decide between lump sum and line of credit. These are the loans most advertised online. Read the fine print very, very carefully. Sometimes a line of credit has worse rates than a credit card. You don't want your debt consolidation loan to put you more in debt than your credit cards would have.

Who is offering the loan? Don't go to same-day-lenders, Aunt Bertha, an Internet site link on a porn site or your tax preparer. Go to either your bank or a reputable website. By getting a loan from a trustworthy company, you are more likely to get a good debt consolidation loan for you.

A loan shark is not going to help you get out of debt. And your family, as well meaning as they are, won't help your credit rating. Use a lot of skepticism and care when choosing your lender. If you have a good relationship with your bank, this is definitely the time to use it. They may even have an option that you haven't thought of.

Never lose sight that your goal is to get out of debt, not get another loan. So don't let the debt consolidation loan blind you to your real goal. If the only loan that you can get is a bad one, don't take it, find another way. You are smart enough to find a good deal.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.


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