Sunday, August 27, 2006

Debt Relief Dukes It Out with Debt Consolidation

Many of us have seen the afternoon talk shows featuring a guest claiming their program negotiates with creditors to reduce your debts. This is not debt consolidation. Debt consolidation is replacing several small loans with one larger one. After debt consolidation you have the same, or more, debt than before you got the debt consolidation loan. You just have a different way of paying it. So what is debt relief? Will it help you?

Okay, first, before you go any further, go to this website: and opt-out of any future loan offers. What does this have to do with debt consolidation or relief? If the offers don't come, you won't be tempted to just get another card. You've been there, done that. Ever taken three months to pay off two bras? You know who you are. Go there now!

What are you being offered? "Debt relief" sometimes means bankruptcy and certainly not debt consolidation. Yep, some companies want to sell you bankruptcy. They tell you that it's your best way out of this situation. And some people believe them. Hopefully, it won't be you. Either they are following illegal practices, or what they offer will not help you. Don't let someone claiming to help you talk you into bankruptcy.

Other debt relief is a very complicated system of debt repayment. This can be very expensive, like over 14%, and will ruin your credit. Be very, very careful. If you consider a service like this, it should be the last stop before bankruptcy. And it will look very bad on your credit rating. Check out any services with your state's attorney general and BBB. Debt consolidation can be addictive, but this can get you burned.

With all of this dark talk, is there something you can do? First find a CERTIFIED credit counselor. The government has taken some of the guess work out of this. There is a state-by-state list at This doesn't mean that they are good, just certified, so check them out. After all, there are some licensed attorneys that you won't want representing you.

Maybe, debt consolidation is the way. But, call your creditors, too. Most creditors want to help you find a way to pay. After all, if you take a little longer, they get more interest. If you are not badly late, your creditor may help you by lowering your minimum payment temporarily, or changing terms. The key here is to keep in contact. Every contact you make reduces the possibility of the debt going to collections. You want to keep your debt out of collections.

Finally, some debt relief plans are debt consolidation loans by another name. This may be a good way for you to go about it, but know what you are doing and what the consequences are. Debt relief is very desirable, but very dangerous. Look at it with skepticism until you learn otherwise. And whatever you do, don't just stop paying your bills. That will land you in bankruptcy.

Be sure to visit Debt Consolidation for more information and helpful resources.

Credit card debt

Isn't life expensive? Did you ever anticipate as a child that living would cost so much? I certainly didn't give it a second thought. However, once you make it through high school and then head off to college, a wake up call is in order. Suddenly you're paying for things. This can be rather discouraging. How will you pay for your room, meals, and tuition? Will you have enough cash left over to buy books? This is the point where many of us start opening all of those credit card pitches we receive on a daily basis. We desperately need some kind of financial aid to help us get through the next four years. Don't get me wrong, credit cards can be a blessing when you're in a jam, but far too many of us tend to go overboard with the little plastic wonders. Unfortunately this can lead to some serious credit card debt in the future.

Do you own a credit card, or maybe two or three of them? Most of us do; it's no big surprise. The goal is not accruing major credit card debt, which can stifle your future plans. The credit card was initially designed to provide us with means, even if there weren't means to our names. Well, maybe that's what we were duped into believing. When you charge up your MasterCard or Visa, you sadly begin the vicious cycle known as credit card debt. You're in debt and the credit card companies are making a killing off of the interest rate. You send in a payment of 400, which is good, but somehow you really only got ahead by 300. It's that darn interest. Welcome to the sad and dismal world of credit card debt. Many of us have been there before. Some people just don't even pay attention to the dilemma. A close friend of mine has two different credit cards with 20 grand in debt on each. What I don't get is that he has 35 grand in his savings account; so why not get rid of that credit card debt?

If you've grappled with credit card debt, then you're certainly not alone. In fact, a great number of Americans struggle with credit card interest and payments on a regular basis. The key is often consolidating, or even better yet, steering clear of credit card debt before it ever happens. Don't go crazy in college and jack up your credit cards for meaningless fun. You will surely regret it after graduation. Don't live beyond your means and purchase things on credit that you'll never pay off. This is a terrible idea. You can hop online and find ways to help clear your credit card debt as soon as possible.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.

Debt management programs

If you are suffering under a mounting wall of terrible debt, debt management programs might just be the lifeline that you need to pull you back to the shores of financial solvency. Most debt management programs are only for very large debt – typically $15,000 or more. I thought I was in debt in college and started looking into debt management programs, but with only about $3,000 dollars worth of debt, I wasn't even in close to the kind of trouble that I could have been in, and there was nothing that I could do but to slowly pay off all of my considerable expenses.

The next time I started seriously looking at debt management programs was much more serious. My wife had been very ill with cancer for close to a year, and had substandard health care which could barely begin to cover the terrible expenses. All of the chemotherapy and consultations with specialists had left us an absurd $25,000 in debt, and with my moderate income and her current unemployment, it would have taken us years to pay that all off, even without the interest. When I realized how deep our financial woes went, I began frantically searching through debt management programs, trying to figure out what services were available which could help us get back on our feet again.

I realized that, no matter how helpful the debt management program, it would probably be years until we could be truly financially solvent. We did our best to minimize household expenses, and I began working more. As her health improved, my wife also went back to work, which greatly improved out situation. Even though, the debt consolidation was a lifesaver.

The way that debt management programs work, is that they pay off your debt themselves. You then pay them back, with less interest than you were paying to your debtors. This way, they make money on the interest, while you are able to pay off your own debt at a more reasonable and manageable rate. The pitfall that you have to look for is that there are many crooked debt management programs out there which are actually nothing but scams. They take advantage of vulnerable people, take some of their money as a down payment, and then disappear, having never taken care of your debt, and leaving you in more trouble than ever before. But for me and my wife, the debt management programs we found were a life saver.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.

Debt Consolidation: What to look for

You have decided to get a debt consolidation loan to get control of your monthly budget. This may not solve all your money problems, but with discipline and a clear plan, it's a great start. You have even decided, with knowledgeable help, which type of debt consolidation loan that you need. Now you need to find someone to put together the loan for you. Where should you start? What do you look for? Stop panicking. Take a deep breath. This is just another loan. You can do this.

Debt Consolidation by Refinance

If you have decided on refinancing your mortgage as your method of debt consolidation, contact your current mortgage lender. Often, but not always, they can get you the best rates in the shortest period of time. Also, by staying with the same company you aren't charged as many fees. If you don't like them, or they tell you no, you have two options: go find another lender yourself or find a mortgage broker. Which method you choose depends on many factors that are covered under "home mortgages". This method can take two months, so you want to contact any creditors that are overdo and let them know what is happening. If they start harassing you, often your closing company can contact them for you.

Debt Consolidation by Home Equity Loan

The same advice applies to home equity debt consolidation loans. Sometimes this type of loan comes as a line of credit. If it does, be sure that it is hard to draw on. You don't want someone stealing your identity then maxing out your line of credit against your house. Most identity theft is close to home, so be very careful.

Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loan

If you decide on an unsecured debt consolidation loan, you have to decide between lump sum and line of credit. These are the loans most advertised online. Read the fine print very, very carefully. Sometimes a line of credit has worse rates than a credit card. You don't want your debt consolidation loan to put you more in debt than your credit cards would have.

Who is offering the loan? Don't go to same-day-lenders, Aunt Bertha, an Internet site link on a porn site or your tax preparer. Go to either your bank or a reputable website. By getting a loan from a trustworthy company, you are more likely to get a good debt consolidation loan for you.

A loan shark is not going to help you get out of debt. And your family, as well meaning as they are, won't help your credit rating. Use a lot of skepticism and care when choosing your lender. If you have a good relationship with your bank, this is definitely the time to use it. They may even have an option that you haven't thought of.

Never lose sight that your goal is to get out of debt, not get another loan. So don't let the debt consolidation loan blind you to your real goal. If the only loan that you can get is a bad one, don't take it, find another way. You are smart enough to find a good deal.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.

Debt Consolidation Fends off Bankruptcy

Fears of bankruptcy become pervasive as you edge closer to the financial precipice. Reaching out, you grasp for something strong enough to hold you safe until you recover your strength, the debt consolidation loan.

Every loan you take out requires a monthly payment. These eat your budget quickly. Several small credit cards require more per month than one larger one. But, when you get in the position of having a lot of little bills, you run out of the ability to combine them through normal means (like balance transfers).

Then creditors start calling, and you start thinking that this will all end in bankruptcy. Do you need a debt consolidation loan? Can you even get one?

A debt consolidation loan can help in this circumstance. By combining all your bills into one, you qualify for a longer repayment period and a lower interest rate. This is especially true of credit cards. Most debt consolidation loans come in three flavors: unsecured debt consolidation loans, home equity debt consolidation loans and mortgages. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. A debt counselor or a financial planner can help you figure out what type would help you the most.

Yes, you need to talk to someone. No, no amount of reading online will answer this. This is very general information. So take a deep breath, schedule a baby sitter, buy movie tickets, and make a date with someone who does know. Go to the financial planner first. The movie is your reward for the most grueling few hours of your life. By talking to someone, you will actually know what is going on in your life. Now back to the overview.

An unsecured debt consolidation loan is just signature a loan like any other. Since it doesn't have collateral, you can't lose your house or car if you have trouble making payments. This is mostly for people that have decent jobs, good credit and just got careless with their debt. The bank is just repackaging their debt for them. Since it isn't secure, you pay a higher interest rate for the privilege. This is a good option for young people that just graduated college with good jobs and realize that five credit card payments are too much.

A home equity debt consolidation loan is a flexible mortgage. You use as much as you need, but any that isn't used remains available. This option is only open to homebuyers, but most homebuyers will qualify, in some states. It's more expensive than a regular refinance, but more convenient.

Finally, you can refinance your mortgage and do your debt consolidation that way. This is the cheapest option. Since your debt consolidation loan is spread out over 30 years or so, so your mortgage payments won't change that much. It is slightly harder to get than a home equity debt consolidation loan, but not by much. If you have been working on your house since you bought it, and its value has increased, then you probably would benefit every month from this form of debt consolidation loan.

Working with a financial counselor will help you figure out if debt consolidation is the path for you.

Be sure to visit this website for more information.

Do not start using cards again as balance pays down

You may pay more than your monthly minimum - you will see instant improvements but do not continue using the credit card or you will not be able to do away with credit card debt. Pay the minimum amount you missed paying because of the dispute. The actions and received a loan for debt reduction purposes here are some tips that i have developed. Once you begin conquering your credit card balances the worst thing to do is to begin using them again. The best quality service for your debt settlement choices.

For example jim has a $1200 credit card balance. Most customers use interest-only mortgages answer: to buy a bigger house than they might really afford. The credit card for small purchases at a time and set a fixed limit on credit card expenditure. For example whenever a representative asks if you want to close the account tell them no. The credit card debt merry-go-round is a ride most people want to jump off. It is imperative mood that students reduce or obviate any consumer debt.

I found that i frequently had money left over in some categories. When there are things you can do starting right now to reduce your credit card debt and save earnings. Most people use a home equity loan for this purpose. The credit card companies and provides data about how my credit report can be affected. And if you want to succeed you must approach your personal finances with a professional eye.

Look at options to keep borrowing down such as less expensive living or travel arrangements while in school. For example credit cards charge some of the highest interest rates. Since you get the first card paid off move the extra cash to the next card. And if you find any discrepancies or inaccurate information report them immediately.

Elevated interest rates credit card companies charge. But there is nothing like the nasty taste of a thousand bucks a month going down the visa. This design is accepted you will be setup with a payment schedule and you can be required to maintain it. Consider options to help you become current or allow you the time and ability to sell your home prior to foreclosure.

At that time either close the account or if you have other credit card balances you could roll them over. At that point the creditors have given up on you. The course to do away with their credit card debt takes time. My thinking is how can i get money to pay off these loans each month he pays an extra $100 beyond.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.

Creditor agreements may require past due payments

For instance you may have to pay an additional amount toward the past due total when you resume regular payments while you are trying to eliminate credit card debt. But the debt problem still remains. Only there are things you can do starting right now to reduce your own credit card debt and save money. Pay more than the required minimum and reduce or eliminate the debt as quickly as they can. The biggest credit card deals get late-payment over limit point and cash-advance fees waived. The best cash-back credit card college and education posts all college.

It is mandatory that students reduce or eliminate any consumer debt. For example credit cards charge some of the highest interest rates. The credit industry has made it incredibly easy to get into debt and around economic uncertainties. This plan will gradually reduce their deferred payment card balances. Once you clear your debt using our service we hope that you may be more frugal with credit cards. This scheme allows you to catch up on past due automobile or home loan payments and temporarily halts creditors.

And if you do keep careful track of your spending you can budget better. Consider options as part of your investment strategy should you sell stocks to pay down your credit. Pay the minimum if you do that your credit card debt could take almost 20 years to repay. When you get into the position where you own a substantial amount of money on your credit. Pay more than the minimum amount required.

The biggest benefits for your situation would be to pay as much as you are able. Once you have a budget in mind you will be better equipped to begin working with your creditors. A person received a credit card offer advertising a get out of debt plan they want customers to consolidate. At that rate there is every possibility that your debt will outlive you.

Simply there are options for those who find themselves in the high-interest hot chair. First it was the enormous hospital bills and doctor bills from years of having major illnesses. This plan is finding the money to make regular payments that are twice the minimal required. Pay more than the minimum first break the habit of only paying the minimum required each month. For example many prospective employers will pull a credit report as a character reference. After all there's no sense in completely rolling over and playing dead -- before its time anyway.

High interest rates and unnecessary charges will keep you from catching up. This plan allows you to make equal payments over the term of the loan. The credit market uses what they call "ratios" to determine the maximum amount of credit. The process and you will be a cash convert for the rest of your affluent life.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.

Credit card owner responsible for misuse

When you are trying to eliminate credit card debt, you should be aware that it is the credit record of the card owner that will be affected if the card is misused. It is imperative that we develop a plan for saving and follow it through with due diligence. The process of repairing your bad credit must begin today. This plan allows you to catch up on past due auto or home loan payments and temporarily halts creditors.

The process before you sign up on the dotted line. This plan is coming up with the money to make regular payments that are twice the minimum required. And whenever you do make progress toward paying down your balances you'll chose to make sure they show on the credit report. I found that i frequently had money left over in some categories.

You must get up and start the action right now. It is imperative that you begin with a clean slate: no debt healthy credit and responsible financial habits. The credit card companies and provides information about how my credit report will be stirred. The best benefits for your situation may be just discussing the situation with an outside party.

For instance credit cards charge some of the highest interest rates. At that rate there is every possibility that your debt will outlive you. And when you find any discrepancies or inaccurate info report them immediately. For example if the finance charges that were being paid on a high-rate credit card were $200. It is imperative form that you begin rebuilding your own credit. The process to eliminate their credit card debt is not easy.

Because there is a path you can follow. Most people use student loan consolidation as a way to manage debts. I acquired an unsecured credit card. Once you pay off your credit card debt make it a point to cancel some or all those accounts. For example if the minimum monthly payment is $40 on the smallest balance a check could be written for $75.

Pay more than $1000 a year on just the interest. The credit cardholder adds the term greed to the definition. But there are dangers in home equity loans. I received a notice with one of my invoices that they would be increasing the rate to 20%. First it is important to identify which creditors should be paid more frequently than once per month.

Once you have done this you should have a net sum remaining. Most people use their registered retirement savings plan to pay off debts. It is imperative to create a spending plan that will eliminate your debt while being able to achieve savings. Consider options carefully especially when the situation may call for freeing up assets to use for other needs.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.

Always make more than minimum payment

One way to work on eliminating credit card debt is you should always pay the minimal payment plus an additional $50 - $100. You must continue to make payments to these creditors directly. Few people use interest-only mortgages answer: to buy a bigger house than they might really afford. And whenever you are having trouble making minimum payments it's probably not the time you can pay it off. Once you pay off your credit card debt make it a point to cancel some or all those accounts.

High market rates make it nearly impossible to get a handle on huge credit card balances. It is imperative that you reorganize your payment priorities restructure the credit cards you are using. Rollover is the process of moving balances from one credit card supplier to another. My thinking is how can i get money to pay off these loans each month he pays an extra $100 beyond. The reason credit card debt is so poor is because it carries such a advanced interest rate. Consider options as part of your own investment strategy should you sell stocks to pay down your credit.

It is imperative that students reduce or eliminate any consumer debt. After all one could need that credit line in case of the unexpected. High interest rates that have you paying for purchases in effect several times over. But the perfect way to get a handle on your spending is to only spend the earnings you have.

And if you find any discrepancies or inaccurate information report them immediately. Most individuals use a home equity loan for this purpose. I found that it just didn't really help my finances. This design is finding the money to make regular payments that are twice the minimum required. Pay the minimum balance on each credit card except the one with the highest interest rate.

Pay the minimal payment on $5000 for 5 years at the end because of fees and charge you could owe $8000. The credit cardholder adds the term greed to the definition. Most customers use credit cards due to their needs. This plan is accepted you will be setup with a payment schedule and you will be required to maintain it. After all, it's not something you'd plan to bring up with colleagues around the company h2o cooler.

Pay more than the minimum amount and catch up slowly. For example once the finance charges that were being paid on a high-rate credit card were $200. At that point the creditors have given up on you. Pay up the minimum towards your student loan and put the rest of your money towards repaying your credit card debt. The reason credit card debt consolidation plans are helping individuals take their lives back on track.

Be sure to visit this website for more information and helpful resources.